
Dark Redemption - Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

In front of Aslansa and Angel a winged figure was standing in the air. The skin was as white as chalk, the long hair as black as coals. The face was featureless and androgynous, as well as the voice had been. Strangely one eye of the creature was completely white, the other completely black. It wore a long dusty grey coat, covering the body except for the wings.
The wings consisted of feathers, which were all black and white, but each feather had a unique pattern.

"Who are you?” Aslansa asked demandingly.

"I have no name for names are only necessary for interaction with others."

"Why are you here? What do you want?” Aslansa inquired.

"I've come for her.", the stranger said pointing at Angel.

"What do you mean?" Aslansa growled out.

Angel, barley awake, heard him and buried her head into Aslansa neck. “No...Don’t…let…take please.”

“Yes it is time. I watched you since the day you were born, Scarlet Seraph Of Hope. I knew the day would come when you would unleash your other half. Normally I must not interfere. So I did not, but now that Scarlet Seraph Of Hope is a major imbalance, it is my duty to restore the balance. Not to mention Krashune hurt something that was important to me."

"What are you talking about?" Angel whispered.

"Scarlet Serpah Of Hope, you are no angel."

"What?" She said fearfully.

"You are no demon."

"Or course she isn't!" Aslansa growled out. “I would know if she was.”

"You are one of a kind. Your parents may have tried to hide it from you, but they could not change what you really are."

"My...Parents…What do you mean?  Even they lied to me?!"

The strange creature turned to Aslansa "Return, demon prince. You cannot complete her."

“No!” Aslansa yelled and tightened his hold on Angel. He felt his protective nature rising inside him. “I shall not leave her.” His voice was changing, getting more animalistic.

“Fine, then stay” the Keeper said. It turned to Angel and touched the rest of the broken armor that was on her body. The armor on half of her body disappeared.

"Scarlet Seraph Of Hope, Dark Angel, hear my words. You are meant to be one but were kept separated. This body belongs to both of you. Be one spirit in one body like it was meant to be. Be neither light nor dark but both and none."

Angel’s eyes opened wide as she felt the power of the Keeper and what it unlocked inside of her. “Aslansa...” she said softly before falling unconscious.

“What have you done to her!?” Aslansa demanded.

“I have done nothing but bring forth her true self.”

“Explain yourself!”

"Like I have told you I have come to complete her."

"What do you mean!?" Aslansa yelled out in frustration.

"You cannot take out what is part of her." the strange figure stated.

“I didn’t. I only quieted it so we could have our Angel back. It was consuming her to the point of death.”

“You can’t do that. It is a part of who she is. She must stay balanced.”

"What do you mean? What happened to her?!” the demon prince asked.

"The side hidden deep within her has awakened."


"She was fed with darkness without being taught how to use it."

"But... I showed her..." Aslansa said softly with guilt.

"You taught Scarlet Seraph Of Hope, but not Dark Angel."

"But Angel turned into Dark Angel later on!"

"The raw, pure darkness drove her insane."

"So... I caused it?" the demon asked guiltily

"A lot of things caused it Love, angels, demons, torture, confusion, betrayal, lies, truth, friendship, hate", the creature listed without any emotion in its voice.

Aslansa remained silent for a while, unsatisfied with the answer. "What will you do with her?” he asked.

"I will restore her broken soul. She needs answers. She needs a place she cannot cause harm and cannot be harmed. She is an emotional creature."

“We all care about her. I won't let you take her away! She belongs to the Black Fedora Pirates, her family! " Aslansa growled.

"I have no intention to take her away against her will, Aslansa half-blood demon prince. It is an invitation to learn about herself I offer."

"Fine, I will tell her...” Aslansa growled.

"There is no need to. She already knows. She will know how to find me when she is ready” the strange creature said. With a snap of its fingers a door suddenly appears and it went through it and as soon as the door closed it was already gone.

Aslansa looked down at Angel sadly. “I am sorry Angel. Let’s go home now” he whispered. He then flew back to the ship.
This is the story that I am doing on Lady Riddle rescue but it will also open some doors about Angel. Revealing information about her past. Also the lengths someone would go to save a friend.

We also have a Cameo appearance from :icondiluculi: and :iconshad0wbeast:.


Italic is the voice of the Real Angel...
Bold is the voice of the Darkness

Chapter 1 [link]
Chapter2 [link]
Chapter3 [link]
Chapter4 [link]
Chapter5 [link]
Chapter 6 [link]
Chapter 7 [link]
Chapter 8 [link]
Chapter 9 [link]
Chapter 10 [link]
Chapter 11 [link]
Chapter 12 [link]
Chapter 13 [link]
Chapter 14 [link]
Chapter 15 [link]
Chapter 16 [link]
Chapter 17 [link]
Chapter 18 [link]
Chapter 19 [link]
Chapter 20 [link]
Chapter 21 [link]
Chapter 22 [link]
Chapter 23 [link]
Chapter 24 [link]
Chapter 25 [link]
Chapter 26 [link]
Chapter 27 [link]
Chapter 28 [link]
Chapter 29 [link]
Chapter 30 [link]
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